only deeper conversations

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Moderating Life

nobody knows you unless you say 'hi' or you've done something great in life. appear in box office movie, shot a criminal, won the elections or you've got lots of money. in this world, let alone singapore, there are millions of people and there is only a handful of people that you know closely.

you walk down orchard road and everybody is living their own life. they only care for what concerns them. if GST goes up, they complain. if the road is blocked and they have to take a detour, they complain. if a political party you dislike wins elections, you complain. if hookers came around your neighbourhood, you complain even though there are married men that visit them. see the irony. complain when there's people around but enjoy it in silence. i can't understand the fact why people complain so much and there's nothing they will do about it. just live their lives. how will complaining help if you don't do anything to contribute to society.

i have finally come to understand that we live in a society that cannot accept differences or something unusual. we live such that we have to suit to other people's preference. if you are non-smoker, you cannot have smokers as friends. if you are gay, you are not my friend. if you are handsome, you are my friend. if a stranger says hi to you, that's weird. if a celebrity says hi to you, that's awesome.

the wishful thought in my head that DNA could control characteristics, we would be living a perfect world. we would have the perfect family, the perfect work, the perfect friends, the perfect environment. the perfect life.

random rants.

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I'm a guy with a lot of problems. Trust me, A LOT. I am the only child. I have to get a degree and a good job. My mum thinks I'm lazy. My grandma loves me. I like things to be untidy. I can't stand perfection. I like to play sports but I can't communicate for nuts. I like Drama, it keeps me sane once in a while. When I grow up, I am going to get myself a glasshouse, a Vespa, a little daughter and some proper shoes to walk on.


Radin Mas Primary School
Gan Eng Seng School
Republic Polytechnic- Diploma in Biomedical Sciences.

Currently Working On:

What I Want To Do/ To Get In 2010

  • Sub 60
  • Run A Marathon



Till Death Do us apart

Currently Listening To

Drake, Kanye West, Lil Wayne, Eminem - Forever David Guetta feat. Akon - Sexy Bitch The Killers - Human & Spaceman Memories - David Guetta feat. Kid Cudi